September 11, 2001
Resulting Event:
Operation Enduring Freedom &
Global War On Terror
Loss Of 500,000+ Lives (On-Going)
In response to the September 11, 2001 'Terrorist' attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people, Operation Enduring Freedom officially began October 7, 2001 with American and British Military bombing strikes against al-Qaeda and Taliban forces in Afghanistan. This ultimately led to the 'Global War On Terror' program which continues through today.
Did You Know?:
In NYC, at the site of the NYC attacks & in Washington DC, at the site of the Pentagon attacks, instead of thorough investigations into the worst attack on US soil in history, tax-funded, government sponsored 'clean-up initiatives' were illegally removing and destroying key evidence, having much of it sent to China to be 'melted down'.
Also, on September 11, 2001 in NYC, a 3rd building collapsed..."Building 7" as it was referred to, was a 47-story steel-framed skyscraper that occupied a block adjacent to the World Trade Center complex, two city blocks away from the nearest of the Twin Towers. It was not hit by an aircraft.
Yet at 5:20PM on that same day, Building 7 collapsed at 'near free-fall speed', similar to a planned demolition. In their final report, NIST argued random fires caused the collapse of this structure. This is bombshell news since this would be the first time in recorded history that fires caused the collapse of a steel-framed structure. This was also proven false due to NIST's own inability to replicate their hypothesis when challenged.
Who Benefitted?:
~ Pentagon/Government/NYC Govt Officials
~ Corporate Property Owners
~ Insurance Corporations
~ Military Industrial Complex
~ Eugenicists
~ Accused Defendant Corporations (Enron/Worldcom)
Who Lost?:
~ Average Citizens (All Races)
~ Poor People (All Races)
~ Innocent People (All Races)